Today,we chat is the best instant messaging app for get a profit of this android app's features on your pc.It is only possible by the help of android emulators. Bluestacks and Youwave are the best android emulators that we have tested .
To download wechat on pc ,First you install android emulator Bluestacks on your will find emulator on the official website .Now on the home page of the official site we have to click on the "download" link for the version supported to your operating system .it automatically starts downloading,after that only we have to confirm the installation when windows asked for permission.this installation will take just few seconds after that Bluestacks is available on your PC.
Now you have to search we chat for PC in Bluestacks .By using the search box .then Bluestacks submit us the download options. With a single click and once installed, a couple of minutes already
Wechat for pc provides the opportunity to send free messages,images,videos share every moment of your life with your friends.
Wechat have many other interesting feature enjoy this features on PC. The function includes live chat,chat group with QR codes,copies of history,voice chat and many more available on your computer.
Quick steps to use Wechat on computer:-
- Firstly you download android emulator.
- Install android emulator
- Now search wechat on emulator
- Then click on download link .
- Enjoy wechat app on you account